Curry roasted root vegetables with lime, plus vine leaf and lamb pie

Recipe win. Photography fail.

The lamb and vine leaf pie (while probably not a pie) was incredibly delicious and balanced. Plus, turning it out found like a non-creepy magic trick.

Curry roasted root vegetables were excellent.

‘Tricky’ ingredients were easily found at New Loon Moon and Green Valley.



Recipe here.

Cauliflower, grape and cheddar salad, plus buckwheat and chicken pot with apple and thyme

This week, we wondered if Ottolenghi might have gone a bit wrong but made both recipes anyway.

The salad was (charitably) unusual yet palatable.

For the chicken pot, Waitrose didn’t have any buckwheat so brown rice stood in. The stew was bizarrely sweet and felt like a waste of ingredients.


Recipe here.


This involved standing in front of a fairly large pan of boiling oil for quite a long time. The results were worth it, but sadly there isn’t a picture.

The leftover oil had a tasty sort of smell and might have been good for a salad dressing but we threw it away.

Here is some harissa in a bowl waiting to receive fried vegetables.


RecipeĀ here.