Seaweed and watermelon salad + crusted tofu with wakame and lime

Seaweed and watermelon salad

This one came with a really good dressing and the watermelon was a good complement to the seaweed – slightly dulling its brackish nature. It was an interesting combination, the base notes in the tahini (part of the dressing) seemed to level everything out and bring it together. Not sure if it’s one to repeat, but an interesting experiment.

Sea spaghetti from Whole Foods, watermelon from Waitrose, everything else from Japan Centre.


Crusted tofu with wakame and lime

Not sure if we did something wrong here, but the wakame took on the nature of a magic porridge pot, rapidly expanding in volume and filling an enormous pan. I think this sudden increase in size meant that the dressing wasn’t really enough to cut through a rather slimy pile of seaweed. With a bit more lime and sriracha it became palatable, but the texture was still a bit challenging. Crusted tofu was as crusted tofu is; interesting on the outside, tofu on the inside.

Sriracha from Whole Foods, tofu and seaweed from Japan Centre.


Recipes here.

Apricot, walnut and lavender cake

“Such a shame it went green, it was YUMMY.”

Having claimed in an earlier post not to be bakers, this might be the recipe to convert us.

Apricots really do taste rubbish unless they’re cooked, and when set inside a loose wobbling mass of sweet almond and walnut cake with a sort of flowery note, the results really seem worth scrabbling around the park for ‘fresh’ lavender for. Delicious icing (not shown).

Everything from Waitrose (the organic apricots were tastier looking than the conventional), other than the lavender which we found in a park.

If you’re planning to keep this cake for a couple of days in a heatwave, experience suggests it ought to go in the fridge.


Recipe here.

Ricotta and oregano meatballs

Tasted “like somebody’s Italian mum had made them”. Lighter than a normal beefy meatball, thanks ricotta, with a good consistency. Cheese taste evident.

If we were to make this again, would probably whizz the sauce. Carrot lumps always off-putting.

In summary, great balls, okay sauce. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be a photograph of the finished thing.

Meat from Mackanna. Everything else from Waitrose.


Recipe here.

Seared girolles with black glutinous rice

Hmm. Not entirely convinced. Lemony mushrooms a bit weird, glutinous black rice not remarkable taste-wise and texturally a bit strange. Goat’s curd a happy discovery.

Girolles from the mushroom man (sorry!) at Borough, supplemented with oyster mushrooms and a lonely king oyster from Turnips, also at Borough. Goat’s Curd from Neal’s Yard Dairy. Rice from Loon Fung.


Recipe here.

Lamb stuffed aubergine with date syrup and tomato

Fairly close in many ways to vine leaf and lamb pie, an earlier win. A recipe which makes the usually unpalatable bulgar delicious. Overall, very successful with only minimal faff. Familiar earthy spicing very much in evidence and plenty of sauce.

Date syrup from Honey & Co.


Recipe here. You might notice we squeamishly dodged the liver stuffed vine leaves.

Cuttlefish stew

This turned out very well. Excellent cuttlefish, fresh from Cornwall, thanks to Jonathan Norris (fishmonger to Cher, when she’s in town, apparently). Minimum faff for delicious, soft, melty cuttlefish. Yum.

Apologies for the terrible photo which doesn’t do this justice again. Green salad out of shot.

On the cuttlefish adventure, we also discovered Bottle Apostle and a rather tasty Austrian Pink, a Zweigelt I think. A happy preprandial. 


Recipe here (caution: gross pun).

Rhubarb, celery and sorrel salad and crisp prawns with celeriac and coriander remoulade

This salad split a crowd. Some of us found it delicious; a wholesome hit of tart sharpness and crisp acid against the bland, slightly bitter, quinoa balanced with the salty creaminess of parmesan. Others could only muster up a “health food shop rabbit fodder” slur. 

The prawns, being good quality prawns wrapped in bread and deep-fried, were a more certain winner and we even found a celeriac convert through the remoulade. An extra blob of sweet chilli on the side might have disguised the subtlety of the dish but it all went down rather well in the end. 

Sorrel from Tayshaw, Druid Street (highly recommended and very good value), quinoa from Alara (snooty health food in Bloomsbury, only good in a red quinoa emergency), Thai sweet chilli sauce from (perhaps incongruously) Green Valley.  



Recipes here.

Asparagus and chive bread pudding and grilled asparagus with avocado and horseradish

Normally we find asparagus so delicious, that we would serve it in the simplest way possible, either with a good hollandaise or just olive oil but these recipes looked so delicious, we tried them both.

Asparagus and chive bread pudding

We served this with a chicken as recommended, but it would have been delicious on its own. A bit like a fancy quiche, lots going on but not so much to overpower the delicate asparagus which still came through very strongly.

Asparagus from Wheeler’s (the most honest Borough Market trader), bread from St. John, everything else from Waitrose.


Grilled asparagus with avocado and horseradish

Really tasty, delicious egg providing a good creaminess and mouthfeel to the dressing, strong flavours and well balanced.

Horseradish from Whole Foods.


Recipe here.

Vegetarian mezze

This involved fried cauliflower with pine nuts, capers and chilli, honey roasted carrots with tahini yoghurt and aubergine and parsley pesto which, remarkably, and with the aid of multiple kitchen timers were all ready at roughly the same time and on time for the first sunny day in ages.

The cauliflower was a surprise hit with delicious charred (overdone?) chillies.


Recipe here.


This involved standing in front of a fairly large pan of boiling oil for quite a long time. The results were worth it, but sadly there isn’t a picture.

The leftover oil had a tasty sort of smell and might have been good for a salad dressing but we threw it away.

Here is some harissa in a bowl waiting to receive fried vegetables.


Recipe here.