Cauliflower, grape and cheddar salad, plus buckwheat and chicken pot with apple and thyme

This week, we wondered if Ottolenghi might have gone a bit wrong but made both recipes anyway.

The salad was (charitably) unusual yet palatable.

For the chicken pot, Waitrose didn’t have any buckwheat so brown rice stood in. The stew was bizarrely sweet and felt like a waste of ingredients.


Recipe here.

2 thoughts on “Cauliflower, grape and cheddar salad, plus buckwheat and chicken pot with apple and thyme

  1. Pingback: Creamy chicken with apples, pears and root vegetables, plus fried mozzarella and bread skewers | Blogolenghi

  2. Pingback: Creamy chicken with apples, pears and root vegetables | Blogolenghi

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