Rhubarb, celery and sorrel salad and crisp prawns with celeriac and coriander remoulade

This salad split a crowd. Some of us found it delicious; a wholesome hit of tart sharpness and crisp acid against the bland, slightly bitter, quinoa balanced with the salty creaminess of parmesan. Others could only muster up a “health food shop rabbit fodder” slur. 

The prawns, being good quality prawns wrapped in bread and deep-fried, were a more certain winner and we even found a celeriac convert through the remoulade. An extra blob of sweet chilli on the side might have disguised the subtlety of the dish but it all went down rather well in the end. 

Sorrel from Tayshaw, Druid Street (highly recommended and very good value), quinoa from Alara (snooty health food in Bloomsbury, only good in a red quinoa emergency), Thai sweet chilli sauce from (perhaps incongruously) Green Valley.  



Recipes here.